
Mas Village is a village of art with a focus on carving wood sculptures. It is situated in Ubud District and Gianyar Regency has a distinctive style in the art carving of wood sculptures that promotes characteristic synergy of humanism and naturalism.

Elephant Excursion

Elephant Excursion

Enjoy a memorable ride through Bali's magical countryside atop a Sumatran elephant. Take a scenic two‐hour drive to the Elephant Park in Taro in the mountainous heartland of Bali. From here, ride atop one of these majestic giants close to the banks of the Melangit River and terraced rice fields. Both mountains and ocean are visible from your raised perch. Pass through the village of Bakas where you will witness local activities and may be lucky enough to see a temple ceremony.
White River Rafting

White River Rafting

An exhilarating race through the rapids of the Ayung River gorge.Raft the white waters of the dramatic Ayung river valley in central Bali. Take an hour and a half drive to the jumping off point, before embarking on your 2 hour thrill ride along an 8km stretch of river, taking in spectacular waterfalls, terraced rice fields and local village people. Afterwards, enjoy a sumptuous buffet lunch.
Jungle Trek

Jungle Trek

Trek through the beautiful nature reserve of Mount Batukaru in an 'off the beaten track' adventure that quickly immerses you into the cool shade of the tropical rainforest. Your guide will introduce you to the hidden world of Bali's magnificent flora and fauna, as you pass by ancient strangler trees and ferns, canopied with exotic wild orchids and hanging liana, the home of a variety of tropical birds and animals. A picnic lunch by a clear mountain stream breathing the spicy mountain air will revive you before you continue onto to the destination, the ancient temple of Batukaru.
Mountain Cycling

Mountain Cycling

Starting high in the mountains at the village of Mayungan, these 25‐kilometer ride winds its way down valleys, passing temples and shrines and criss‐crossing golden rice fields, through landscapes unchanged for a thousand years. Your tour guide will explain local Balinese culture and customs while you pass through the timeless countryside, arriving finally at the famous Monkey Forest Temple at Sangeh.
Wadari Tour Package

Wadari Tour Package

Through terraced rice fields and untouched rain forest to experience the mystical heart and soul of Bali. Visit a traditional farmhouse, explore an ancient quarry and admire a hot mineral spring. Relax in a bamboo restaurant surrounded by the rainforest with its magical sounds, where you will enjoy a Balinese lunch prepared with local ingredients, some straight from the rainforest. For detail, please contact us